Aomi Muyock – Love

Aomi Muyock lying fully nude across a guy's body as she rocks back and forth rubbing her breast against his penis and giving him an explicit handjob all while he rubs her between the legs and...

Astrid Berges-Frisbey – I Origins

Astrid Bergès-Frisbey making out with a guy as he pulls her sweater off. We then see her in a pink bra as she kisses the guy some more and he spins her around while removing the bra - her...

Taraji P. Henson – Baby Boy

Taraji P. Henson of Empire and Hustle & Flow fame seen having hard sex with a guy – riding him and doing it from behind, all while nude.

Milla Jovovich – Chaplin

Milla Jovovich wearing a nightie that slips off her shoulder to reveal a nipple as she sits on a bed. She then drops the nightie off completely to expose her butt from behind.

Sofia Kappel – Pleasure – 2

Sofia Kappel - Pleasure - 2

Charlize Theron – The Last Face

Charlize Theron lying underneath a guy as they have sex on the floor. Afterward, we see Charlize standing naked by a window and picking up a pencil with her toes. The guy then crawls over and kisses on the...